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A Podcast Run with Kinga Philipps

While Kinga Philipps, Shark Allies Board Member, ramps up for the release of her new docu-series titled "Enslaved," we get the pleasure of sharing the inner workings of Kinga's mind on a handful of phenomenal podcasts.

Going off of Kinga's recent interview with Joe Sill's of Forbes, on the recent devastation in the Galapagos, here is another in-depth look at what exactly is going on. This episode of Joe's "Get Lost Podcast" covers everything from the Galapagos and sharks to Samuel L. Jackson...click the button below to find out why.

On "Meredith For Real," Kinga she talks about her life as an adventure journalist, and glass eyeballs. Oh, and thanks Kinga, we think we're the "coolest and feistiest" ocean organization too!

And last but not least, check out Kinga's episode of "We the Aliens" podcast. In this episode Kinga talks about social media, the battlefield between the thongs and the authentic weirdos, and growing up with an adventure family. Don't forget to check out Kinga's newest docu-series, "Enslaved," premiering Sept. 14 on Epix!