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"Emperors of the Deep" Donates $5 to Shark Allies

In the new book, Emperors of the Deep: Sharks—The Ocean’s Most Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important Guardians, author and conservationist William McKeever is on a mission to change everyone’s views of sharks.  The book takes readers on a pulse-pounding journey around the world—from the frigid waters of the Arctic Circle to the coral reefs of the tropical Central Pacific—to dispel the narrative about sharks (from Jaws to "Shark Week,)” which claims they’re terrifying underwater predators. 

The book argues that sharks are unequivocally essential to maintaining a balanced ecosystem. When these important apex predators are removed from the ocean, the effect on reefs, seagrass and all the marine ecosystems is catastrophic and leads to diseases in the oceans that affect wildlife. The threat to sharks continues unabated. Shark tournaments continue to kill sharks for entertainment. Demand for shark fin soup remains robust, and lastly sharks are killed for squalene for use in vaccines. Without a change to help protect sharks, the damage to the ocean will be catastrophic.

For each book sold, Shark Allies will receive $5. To order, click on this link, https://bit.ly/2J4fvai