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#ExtinctionEndsHere #EndTheTrade

We are proud to be a supporting organization of this initiative. Please help our Allies at Sea Legacy and Global Wildlife Conservation by signing onto a Declaration calling on our world’s governments to take the most pressing action needed to prevent the next pandemic: permanently end the commercial trade and sale in markets of wild terrestrial animals worldwide, especially for consumption. “We are living through unprecedented times. COVID-19 has swept through our nations, communities and our homes, touching each and every one of us and changing the way we live in unimaginable ways. But we know the likely causes of this pandemic, and it's time to end the exploitation of wildlife and wildlife habitats that increases our exposure to pathogens that jump from animals to humans. It's time to make our voices heard. It's time to say enough is enough. Now that our own vulnerability has been laid bare, it's time to demand #ExtinctionEndsHere for all life on earth.”