Kinga Philipps - The Sirene Project


Name: Kinga Philipps

Degree: Journalism with an emphasis in Anthropology

Job: Co-host of Travel Channel’s Lost in the Wild, journalist/diver on Enslaved doc series for EPIX and travel, adventure, environmental corespondent for Beond TV. Contributing travel writer for Inside Hook, UPROXX, Adventure Journal and others. Shark Allies board member.

Project you are working on: From an ocean wellness perspective I am a broad member for Shark Allies, a non profit group whose goal is “the protection and conservation of sharks and rays. Focus in on taking action, raising awareness and guiding initiatives that reduce the destructive overfishing of sharks on a global scale.”

Currently executive director Stefanie Brendl and campaign manager Laurel Irvine have been pounding the pavement in Florida working on the the #NoFinFL Campaign.

“Despite the act of “finning” being illegal, or requirements to “land sharks whole” with their fins attached, the fin trade continues to thrive, with Florida currently being the hub of the fin trade in the United States. Existing provisions leave the door wide open for fins to be funneled through the state. As long as fins can be freely sold and traded, the horrific act of finning will continue. Any state that allows the transport of fins through their ports and allows fins to be sold inadvertently also supports the global trade of a product that is decimating sharks around the world. Florida is surrounded by the sea and its tourism and fishing economy depend on the ocean. Most citizens are shocked to find out that their own home state continues to allow, and enable the trade of fins. And most of them vehemently oppose this and want it stopped. This is why a bipartisan effort to stop it on a state level is underway. As it stands currently, SB680, the #NoFinFL shark fin trade ban bill, has unanimously passed both the Florida House as well as the Senate. SB680, also known as “The Kristin Jacobs Ocean Conservation Act,” will become law when Governor Ron DeSantis signs it after Florida’s legislative session.” (Shark Allies)

Stefanie and Laurel are spearheading this entire campaign which is in the final stages of the bill passing. HUGE win for sharks. Because I work in media, my role with Shark Allies is in bringing ocean and shark awareness to my personal projects, giving talks when possible and championing the role of sharks as invaluable to our ocean ecosystem health. As a freediver and spearfisher I also champion sourcing one’s own food, sustainable food harvesting, food source awareness and responsible fishing practices. Many of my segments feature incredible dive destinations like Socorro, Galapagos, Cabo Pulmo and more to encourage people to fall in love with and want to protect our blue planet.

Current country of residence: USA”

Laurel Irvine