Congratulations "More Like Jimmy" Scholarship 2019 Awardees!

Awardees are (standing): Haley Senne, Laura Gombar, William Naden, and Gabriella Prelosky (seated): Ashley Castro and John Carlo Prado. Lynn Ann Galang (not shown).

Awardees are (standing): Haley Senne, Laura Gombar, William Naden, and Gabriella Prelosky (seated): Ashley Castro and John Carlo Prado. Lynn Ann Galang (not shown).


The More Like Jimmy Scholarship for Marine Biology/Environmental Studies presented $10,000 in awards ranging from $500 to $3,000 at the UOG Marine Lab on August 14, 2019. Jimmy Hall was an adventurous young man who spread his enthusiasm for life and his love of sharks globally. Everyone who met him said, “I want to be more like Jimmy.” In 2018, applicants for the “More Like Jimmy” marine science scholarship just met on the beach with a few in the audience. This year was a whole new ball game, the turn out was so amazing that we met in the Lecture Hall at the Marine Lab. A full house of parents and the people who wrote letters of recommendation. After the slideshow of the origins of this scholarship and Jimmy, each recipient had a slide of themselves in action, followed by a short talk about their environmental work on Guam.

Aspiring marine biologists attended the “More Like Jimmy” Scholarship awards presentation. Practicing for their future scholarship acceptance are Giada Biggs, Ashley Biggs and Sara Atienza.

Aspiring marine biologists attended the “More Like Jimmy” Scholarship awards presentation. Practicing for their future scholarship acceptance are Giada Biggs, Ashley Biggs and Sara Atienza.

Laurel Irvine