Sharks And Humans: A Complicated Relationship by Paul de Gelder - The Pursuit

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A little Wednesday reading, our Ally, Paul de Gelder Page has penned a fantastic piece on the complicated relationships between sharks and humans. Click the link below to read the full piece.

"Love ‘em or hate ‘em, we need sharks more than they need us. So maybe you can choose to look at the shark from a sharks-eye view and change not only your perception but also your attitude. Every single person I take for their first shark dive says it’s the best thing they’ve ever done, including Will Smith, Ronda Rousey and most recently, Iron Mike Tyson. They can’t all be wrong.

If the sharks die, then the oceans die and then we die.

So sign those petitions when you see them, join local organizations like Recycle for Veterans, work to clean our beaches, support organizations working on the front lines to save our planet like Shark Allies and Sea Shepherd, eat less fish, and tune in to Shark Week for action, education and fun."

Laurel Irvine