Take Action Now


Sign up for shark allies newsletter updates and action alerts.

Reach out to stores and manufacturers that sell shark products:

Aside from not purchasing and consuming shark products, as well as making your friends and family aware of the issue, you can reach out to merchants, restaurants, online distributors and manufactures that sell shark products. Ask them to discontinue their product by explaining the importance of healthy shark populations and their rapid global decline. You can find fact sheets and letter templates in our Shark Free Products campaign.

Get involved with the shark tournament issue.

Support of legislation and partner initiatives:

Tell EU leaders to stop the shark fin trade in europe

Only.One X StopFinningEU.

Address bycatch in set gillnets

Urge the CA Fish and Game Commission to declare the fishery bycatch as unacceptable, by Turtle Island Restoration Network.

Protect Atlantic Hammerheads & Oceanic Whitetips

Submit comments in support of NOAA’s Proposed Rule: Retention Prohibition.

end the European trade of fins

It is time to finally take consistent action in Europe to protect sharks and our oceans, please sign the EU Citizens Initiative.

Protect California Wildlife

Please sign and share this petition to the Set Gillnet Fishery, by Oceana.

stop the use of sharks in vaccines

As it stands, five COVID-19 vaccine developers are currently using shark-derived squalene despite existing sustainable options.

Fly Without Fins

SharkProject and Shark Guardian are calling on airlines to extend a lifeline to sharks by banning the carriage of shark fins as cargo.

30% by 2023

Urge world leaders to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, by OnlyOne and PADI.

Say no to deep sea mining

By OnlyOne, The Oxygen Project, Sustainable Ocean Alliance, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and WaterBear.

Break Free From Plastic Pollution

Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor this Act, by Turtle Island Restoration Network.

Support Shark allies campaigns and ongoing work.

Donate to Shark Allies and shop the Shark Cafe, 100% of proceeds support Shark Allies projects!

Become a shark allies volunteer.

Help with shark fin enforcement:

If you live in a state that banned the possession and sale of fins, and you see shark fins or shark fin soup, contact the authorities and report what you have seen. If you don't know the relevant agency might be, contact the Animal Welfare Institute and they will point you to the proper oversight agency.

Animal Welfare Institute

Animal Welfare Institute


Shark Watch Program Florida:

Shark Watch offers volunteers an opportunity to actively protect sharks. “Shark Watch is a citizen's initiative established to keep Florida's beachgoers safe and protect sharks by monitoring the actions of shore-based shark fishers and reporting dangerous and illegal activity to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Taking on the task of overseeing SBSF activities can be overwhelming for an organization such as the FWC who only has around 850 officers in charge of regulating 8,400 miles of coastline, 13,200 square miles of offshore waters, and more than 34 million acres of land. The Shark Watch Program provides FWC law enforcement with much-needed support and encourages local communities to get involved with protecting their beaches, beachgoers, and marine life. Shark Watch volunteers help relieve some of the burdens placed on FWC law enforcement officers. Shark Watch volunteers are the eyes and ears on the ground needed to patrol our beaches and ensure that shore-based shark fishing laws are followed and enforced.”