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Social Impact Heroes: How Filmmaker Stefanie Brendl is Helping to Protect Sharks - Authority Magazine

Shark Allies Founder and Executive Director, Stefanie Brendl, had the pleasure to talk with Authority Magazine as a part of their “Social Impact Heroes” series. Thanks to their incredible interviewing skills and dive-worthy questions, it is safe to say this is an incredible sight into the blood, sweat and tears of Shark Allies. Stefanie gives insight into changing the perception of sharks, the biggest hurdles you face when dealing politicians on the other side of the aisle and what it takes to be a leader.

“I believe Leadership has two parts — one facing forward and one reaching back. As a leader, you have to be willing and capable to take decisive steps and make decisions that others can follow. You are the spearhead that determines the direction, whether that is through, over or around a challenge. You must be more committed than anyone else so that the people behind you never have any doubt that you will lead, even when the steps are unknown or unsure. The leader paves the trail. A leader must see the value in the people they lead, build their strength, give them energy and inspire them to come along. Most of all, an effective leader knows when to look forward, when to look back and when to step out of the way.”

If you are ever going to give one of our press stories a read, this is the one to get inside the brain of Stefanie Brendl.